
Premium Primer is a one component base coat, base on  Thermoplastic Acrylic. Specially designed as an anti corrosion base coat for machine block., it contains Anti Corrosion Agent.
This product is easy to apply, fast dry, good adhesion on many substrate, good corrosion resistance,  good rust inhibitor, non yellowing and flexible.
Directions of Use :
1. Surface must be clean, dry, and free from grease, rust and other dirts.
2. Before spraying, shake can for at least 60 seconds untill you hear all bearing rattling freely.
3. Hold can upright about 20 – 30 cm from the surface, spray in short back and forth dusting strokes. Keeping can in horizontal  motion so that paint deposited evenly. Shake regularly during use.
4. Two or three thin coats will provide optimum results than one heavy coat.

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