Super Roof Paint is a quality tile paint specially formulated to coat the concrete tile, clay and asbestos. has advantages and resistance to weather, sunlight and humidity.
It is easy in application and has a nice gloss. user guide tile that will be painted must be dry, free from dust, salts of alkali salts, grease, oil, rust, mildew and other dirt. Especially for ever painted tile should be examined adhesion power. layers of old paint is still good enough to do the cleaning with a brush while washing with clean water.
When it whitewashing or peeling should be scraped away until the end.
Application of paint
Painting : 5-10 % water
Application :
Brush, roller.
Spray Dispersive power : 8m2 / liter for dry coating thickness of 30 microns
Drying time : Touch dry 30 minutes, hard dry 2 hours ( depending on conditions and air circulation for drying )
Interval painting : 2-3 hours ( depending on weather conditions )
How to use
Stir until smooth sebelom paint used.
An application can use a brush, roll or spray If necessary mix with 5-10 % water to paint.
using a brush or roll, and 10-15 % for using spray equipment.
Having used immediately clean all equipment with clean water.
Cover cans tightly and store in a cool, dry place. keep out of reach of children.